
As a free platform built for Educator organizations, Sami is the ideal solution to promote and market content through our educationally oriented video platform. Reserve your organization’s space here.

You should choose Sami.

An Education-Focused Platform

Sami’s sole focus as a video platform is education. As such, we benefit Educator organizations relative to existing free channels like YouTube through our integrated systems, including our recommendation algorithm, educational in-video features, and economic incentives. With no competition from traditionally popular entertainment content, Sami’s platform is built for quality education content to thrive.

Market and Promote Your Paid Content

Sami is built for Educator organizations to promote and market content without content cannibalization, building a symbiotic space for Educators to reach a broad range of viewers without expending enormous marketing spend. Instead, Educator organizations can build an organic market presence, using Sami as a conversion channel for content behind paid barriers. With a focus on high-growth markets in Asia-Pacific and Latin America, Sami provides Educator organizations the opportunity to capture an exponential base of users, free of charge.

Symbiotic platform that allows Educator organizations to market content to a broad range of viewers, using Sami as a conversion channel for paid content

Earn with the Sami Partner Program

Through the Sami Platform, Educator organizations will participate in the Sami Partner Program, where monthly advertising revenue is shared based on Educator monthly rankings in a fixed three-tiered system. This increases the stability of Sami as a revenue stream across the board, allowing all participating Educators to economically benefit from distributing and promoting content.

Revolutionize Content Distribution with lEarn

The lEarn initiative is the first of its kind, allowing viewers to participate in the economic growth of the Sami platform at no cost to Educator revenue streams. The lEarn initiative is a tokenized NFT (F-NFT) system where F-NFT assets developed in sync with an Educator’s account creation. These F-NFT assets will provide a payment to its holder relative to the ranking of the original Educator, distributed monthly. These F-NFT assets will be traded through Sami’s “lEarn” tokens, generated through the Hedara Hash Graph network. With each exchange of an F-NFT asset, the original Educator receives a fixed-percentage commission. This creates a passive revenue stream for Educator organizations to maximize their revenue streams on Sami’s platform.

Maximize Our Network Effect for Your Organization

Sami limits the number of Educator organizations allowed to distribute content on our platform, reducing the perpetual economic competition faced by content-makers on current free video platforms including YouTube. This builds an environment for participating Educators to thrive, maximizing the value of the Sami network.